29m 47s
Examine this "I"
Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche
Buddhist Wisdom
  • His Holiness Penor Rinpoche (1932-2009) was the 11th throne holder of the Palyul Lineage of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Penor Rinpoche was one of the last great Buddhist masters to have completed his training entirely in Tibet, and he was respected throughout the Buddhist community as an outstanding scholar and highly accomplished master.

    He gave this teaching in London, 8 July 1995.

    “The reason why we are actually roaming in this existence of samsara for many lifetimes is because of what is called dakdzin (bdag ‘dzin), which is holding to the false notion of self. That's why when we practice, it’s very important for us to examine where this so called "I" or this ego actually comes from.”

    More about His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

    Read more about Penor Rinpoche on rigpawiki.org
    Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche
    Buddhist Wisdom
  • Here is an excerpt of a teaching from our archives from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, where he talks about the practice of shamatha from London, 8 July 1995. Shamatha [Skt.] or shyiné [Tib.] can also be translated as ‘peacefully remaining’ or' tranquillity meditation’.

    Why is this practice of shiné or shamatha so important for us? —So that we can become the master of our own mind.
    —H.H. Penor Rinpoche

    More about Penor Rinpoche

    H. H. Penor Rinpoche was one of the last great Buddhist masters to have completed his training entirely in Tibet, and he was respected throughout the Buddhist community as an outstanding scholar and highly accomplished master.

    Born in Kham, eastern Tibet, in 1932, he was recognized by Khenpo Ngakchung at the age of four as the third Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche. He fled Tibet in 1959 and subsequently established Namdroling Monastery which is located in Karnataka State, in Southern India.

    In 1995, during a lengthy tour of the West, Rinpoche spent a whole month in Europe at Rigpa's invitation. He visited the Rigpa centres in Paris and London, as well as Lerab Ling, granting teachings and empowerments related to the principal practices of the Rigpa sangha.

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    Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche
    Buddhist Wisdom, ...

How to take the practice to heart

Here is an excerpt of a teaching from our archives from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, where he talks about the practice of shamatha from London, 8 July 1995. Shamatha [Skt.] or shyiné [Tib.] can also be translated as ‘peacefully remaining’ or' tranquillity meditation’.

Why is this practice of shiné or shamatha so important for us? —So that we can become the master of our own mind.
—H.H. Penor Rinpoche

More about Penor Rinpoche

H. H. Penor Rinpoche was one of the last great Buddhist masters to have completed his training entirely in Tibet, and he was respected throughout the Buddhist community as an outstanding scholar and highly accomplished master.

Born in Kham, eastern Tibet, in 1932, he was recognized by Khenpo Ngakchung at the age of four as the third Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche. He fled Tibet in 1959 and subsequently established Namdroling Monastery which is located in Karnataka State, in Southern India.

In 1995, during a lengthy tour of the West, Rinpoche spent a whole month in Europe at Rigpa's invitation. He visited the Rigpa centres in Paris and London, as well as Lerab Ling, granting teachings and empowerments related to the principal practices of the Rigpa sangha.

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  • Cynthia (Ani Lucia) - 1 year ago
    Incredible to hear his Holy voice & this wonderful teaching.