11m 28s
Fresh news on The Way of the Great Perfection, 2024/2025

Review of sangha days - Year 2 of The Way of the Great Perfection

Rigpa‘s most experienced teachers will be holding Live Sangha Days at their local centre, with students gathering in person at centres and online and so connecting all of us together internationally.  These sessions have live translations and if you can’t attend live, you will also be able to view on PrajnaOnline for delayed viewing.

The All-Encompassing Path to Enlightenment (AEPE) is Rigpa’s main study program for students on all levels. Its cycle of The Way of the Great Perfection started in October 2024 with a thorough exploration of the Four Thoughts that turn the mind towards the Dharma. This year we will explore the main principles of refuge as well as getting a taste of the whole ngöndro in a fresh and meaningful way.
More information about this years' program you find here; the collection of the monthly live sessions of year one you find here

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  • marlou - 1 month ago
    thank you Naomi and Miquele, nice vivant introduction on the AOP to enlightenment and life sanghadays. looking forward to join, whenever I can. thanks, wonderful and succes to all of us, with participating and learn, marlou van Hoorn
  • Susan - 1 month ago
    I can't find how to access year two of the AEPE. I thought I had signed up for it in good time, but I am not able to find the weekly teachings. Sue Cullen UK Ngondro
  • Cristina - 3 weeks ago
    Buenos días. Quería hacer una pregunta porque he comenzado a explorar en algunas de las actividades que he encontrado en estos enlaces. He encontrado la.mayoria en inglés . Quería saber si hay actividades con traducción al español. Por ej en las grabaciones de Los días de lla Sangha. Camino de la gran perfección. Gracias y saludos Cristina Labacá desde Uruguay
  • Perry - 1 week ago
    I am looking for AEPE 11 Jan van der breggan from November Live Sangha